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Hey, y'all, so I've been plugging away at work as best I can, but I have so many irons in the fire, it may not actually look like I've been getting much done. Gonna include a lot of updates here, y'all don't necessarily need to read all of it, so I'll label each part and you can find the stuff that's relevant to you.


In good news: I have managed to fix up my sleep schedule (at least somewhat) for the first time in years, and I am trying to keep myself streaming more days than not, usually afternoon-to-evening, over on Picarto, so y'all can watch me work over there if you aren't already. I tend to focus way, way better when I have an audience, so the work gets done a LOT faster.

As far as commissions go, I have 1 left before I'm caught up through July, which puts me... starting August's commissions...

at the beginning of November.


But, if I maintain the speed of work I've been at for the past week or so, we'll actually start closing that gap.


At present, I'm trying to alternate between doing commissions and working on pages for Dickgirls & Dragons, which seemed to be the dropped comic project of mine people were most interested in seeing. Once we've gotten into a groove and there's a decent amount of progress being made on that, I'm going to try to mix in other things, namely Gates of Hell. I've also started making the 'original manga' version of the Suponjibobbu anime (Which is absolutely hilarious if you guys haven't seen it), so I wanna get some bits of progress on that here and there, but commission backlog and D&D take priority. Gotta get those handled first.


Speaking of my comics, I have been thinking about the physical copy reward tiers. I genuinely do love doing them, and they're super fucking cool when they get made and I get to hold my work in my hand as an actual book. I really do want to do them more.

That being said, it's pretty obvious I am bad at getting them done. I've only managed to do 2 in my entire time promising them as rewards, and as of last time, I realized that if I do anything over 10-12 pages, then it gets bumped up from 'envelope' to 'package' by the USPS weighting system, and the price for shipping jumps dramatically.

Doing a direct 1:1 price match, then the accumulated months that people have paid me for the comics does outweigh the price of shipping, at least domestically. Shipping internationally, however, is a no-go. for the people getting the comic and the poster together, international shipping is over 25$ per person.

Again, that IS actually less than the people at the 10$ tier have paid me over the months it takes between me putting comics out, but unfortunately, having all that money at once isn't always a guarantee.

On top of all the financial concerns, which are really only a minor quibble at the end of the day, I'm bad at logistics and shit. I don't know how to manage getting shipping labels printed, getting all the names collated and listed out properly, making sure the right things are going to the right people, making sure the shipping containers are good and things won't get damaged in transit, etc. etc. etc. It's a lot more headache than I expected when I first proposed the reward tier.

So, I'm leaving this one up to you guys: if the physical copies of the comics mean that much to you, then I'll keep trying to do them and get a process that works consistently hammered out. I'm pretty sure international shipping is out of the question either way, and I feel really shitty doing that to my overseas fans, but I just don't think I can justify the cost.
That said, if you guys have any ideas for other rewards you'd like to see in place of the physical comics, please suggest them to me. If it's something I can more easily do on a regular basis so I'm not leaving y'all high and dry, but would still be something y'all would enjoy, I'd be super happy to switch to that, if for nothing other than more regularly delivering on my promises.

For anyone who's presently at the 45$ and up tier, I owe you each 3 commissions, soon to be 4. We only have a couple days between now and Halloween, but if you guys want to designate any of your commissions from those 3 months as holiday themed (characters wearing costumes, bats, vampires, skrellingtons, trick-or-treating, pumpkins, etc.), then those will get moved to the top of the priority list. I'll try to do as many of them as I can before November rolls around, but depending on how many people want a halloween-themed commission, I may not be able to get them all done until early November. Either way, they'll be top priority.

As for the remaining commission requests, please send them to me in an e-mail at Bakuhakudrawsthings@hotmail.com.

It's way, way easier for me to organize and keep a list of all my outstanding commissions if I can pin them to the top of my e-mail inbox. You can also send me a Patreon message, as those go to my e-mail inbox as well, but bear in mind that if you do so, the message backlog doesn't go super far back, so if we have to discuss things back and forth, I may lose the original request and need you to re-send it.

Aaaand... I think that's everything. Got a lot to do, but for the first time in a long time I feel like I actually have a game plan to deal with ti.

Thank you guys, as always, for putting up with my tardiness and being so gracious with me. Y'all are the reason I'm able to pay my bills and put food on the table, and I honestly never feel like I do enough to show my appreciation for that. Every last one of you is awesome.

Be excellent to each other




Personally I do like the physical editions, but if it makes more sense for your finances I'd rather just have you put them into a store/charge at release in a larger single payment and ditch that as a tier reward. As for international stuff, again, I'd rather you simply gave us an international price, else I just use a courier which works out as wildly more expensive because of their markup. Dsan's just done a similar deal, US only shipping due to cost, 'cept I end up paying $40 ish for the luxury compared to what it might cost you, and I'd certainly rather you made that margin than a random courier!


I mean why not do physical releases as a Kickstarter type of thing instead? When you've got a comic you're happy with shipping out, just have the people who want it, pledge like thirty bucks or whatever for a month, which would cover the printing and shipping. There's less pressure to have all of that money on hand, and you can change prices depending on domestic or international. Plus you could rerelease older comics, signed or whatever for premium pricing.