Last minute call for requests /リクエストのラスト分呼び出し (Patreon)
Hey guys. As you might have noticed, the number of requests on the list has increased significantly. Given the current size of the waitlist and the increasing demand for requests, I may not be able to fulfill requests within a month from the time they are made, and it doesn't make sense accepting any more at this time.
Consequently, I will be closing requests very soon, and also changing the request policy. After some deliberation I decided on just creating a new request tier combined with some weekly patron polls/suggestions.
If anyone is still contemplating on character requests, please send them to me through direct messages! If you don't see your character on the list, please message me again, I might have missed it.
The requests may take a while to deliver as there is a long waiting list. I appreciate your patience and understanding. ❤️
やあ、みんな。お気づきかと思いますが、リスト上のリクエストの数が大幅に増加しています。現在の待機リストの規模とリクエストの需要の増加を考慮すると、リクエストが作成されてから 1 か月以内にリクエストに応えられない可能性があり、現時点でこれ以上受け付けるのは意味がありません。