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For the last few months I've been having worse and worse and worse issues mentally, and only a few weeks ago was it discovered that it was being caused by a new medication I was on.

I'm type 2 bi polar to start with. I'm also diabetic. I keep good control over it, however I was put on Ozempic to help me out by a doctor I no longer see.

Ozempic is in part a psych med! I didn't know that and that wasn't mentioned in the quick research I did. its used for dieting too. (Something I actually didn't need) it causes you to no longer have "joy" chems kick in when you eat. but it looks like it can also cause some folks to lose the ability to enjoy... anything.

In addition I was having HUGE panic and anxiety attacks that would last for over a week, and ugly crying jags for no reasons.

Be aware that this drug might effect you in ways not openly mentioned on their site.

I've been off it for 3 full weeks and I'm starting to get better. I've got 2 more weeks before its fully out of my system.



Ardent Slacker

Oh, gods. Yeah, been through a med roller-coaster or two myself. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. Both because it's too nasty for anyone I like, and not nasty enough for the ones I don't. ;) Glad you're getting your brain back.


Health always comes first, hope you get this settled and feel better.