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  • Cut1_2K.mp4
  • Cut3_2K.mp4
  • Cut2_2K.mp4
  • Cut4_2K.mp4
  • the best part.mp4
  • Hu Tao 2K.mp4
  • Hu Tao 2K (alt ver).mp4




Hello everyone, here is this month's animation featuring Hu Tao from Genshin Impact!

This marks the second character I've covered from the game, and it's certainly been a while since the first. Frankly, I'm surprised with how few of the game's characters I covered considering its massive popularity, though some have placed highly. For those of you who have no interest in the game and therefore don't vote for its characters, I don't blame you XD.

Nonetheless, I am quite fond of the designs and aesthetics of Genshin characters. The story might be mind-numbingly boring but they certainly don't hold back on the artwork, which makes sense for a gacha. The two characters I've covered so far lend themselves very well to these animations and I've had no trouble coming up with ideas for either. I would certainly not be opposed to making more in the future. I think my two favorites are Raiden and Eula (you may or may not be able to tell that I have a type :3 )

As for the technical aspects of the animation, I'm continuing to refine the format I switched to last month. It's going pretty well so far, but I still have plenty of room to improve so I will continue striving to do that. My new tablet also finally arrived and I got it set up so, yay.

That is all for this month. Thank you for your continued support and I hope you enjoy the animation!




The story has definitely improved in later chapters, but it’s still quite inferior to its big sister Honkai Impact. I do like the character designs though. I think you actually made Kiana from Honkai Impact a long way back.


I did. I believe she was one of my first animations. I used to play a bit of Honkai back in the day too :P


Top tier as always. Despite being super into Genshin myself, I tend to vote for other stuff because it already has mountains of fanart (especially popular chars like Hu Tao) and it tends to very frequently win polls by other artists I support. Not that I'll mind if it wins but y'know, rather put my vote toward other things!


Thanks! That's a good point, I suppose these really popular characters already do have a lot of good content.


I think the cut is a neat idea but I think the climax cut was a little short and I felt that last time as well, could do with being a few seconds longer to let things settle, since she goes from moving up and down from her hips to not at all in a single cut. I think it would have flowed better if the motion stopped in the closeup or continued into the headshot and stopped there.