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Things are getting crazy. Why'd they have to do Junpei's mother like that!?!? 😫

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Holla at Squala(Brandon)

I think that was adult armin doing the gojo dance part...if not then its yelena lmao

Lauren Crawford

So the reason Yoshino asked his mom not to smoke around him, is, if you remember the flash back he had to where the teacher was watching him get bullied, one of the bullies put a cigarette out on his forehead. And when he moved his hair for the teacher (definitely doesnt deserve the title) it obviously showed they had been doing it regularly, for a while given the amount of burns on his forehead. On a side note I don't disagree that he's a sweet boy. I think he's a very deeply traumatized boy and maybe it's the mom in me but I want to hug him.


Ha! Another Kevin! I was making lunch listening to this and my phone was across the room when you guys got to that comment. First I hear, “Next we got a comment from Kevin” and I’m like, “Wait… I don’t think I left one this week?” Then I hear, “And Kevin’s a girl!” and I’m like, “WHAT IS GOING ON?!” as I’m rushing over to my phone 😂


That outro in AOT style is everything!!! I love seeing them all dancing and enjoying.. Whoever did the animation is crazy talented ❤️


another beautiful loving mother gone too soon 😔


@its_aliza Haha! I’ve been keeping up on all the shows, just far less knowledgeable as I’ve only seen the current shows once myself. So I’m mostly kicking back enjoying everyone else’s insights 🍿


Yoshino's mother was such a cool lady :'( Yuji and Yoshino had just became friends too..


haha I had a strong feeling Levi will do Fushiguro's part Xd


“Being a child is not a sin”!!!! Ahh one of my favourite quotes from my absolute favourite character. I think it encapsulates so much of what Nanami represents to the story and what he means to Yuji. In this horrible, dark world they live in where adults like the elders/Gakuganji indiscriminately throw literal teens into life-or-death situations for their own self-fulfilling agendas and politics, Nanami wants to protect youth, and the concept of youth. This is where Gojo and Nanami, despite their total differences in personality, see eye to eye, and why Gojo trusts Nanami to care for Yuji while he’s still technically in hiding from the rest of the world. When he says “being a child is not a sin”, he means that it’s not that he doesn’t think Yuji is strong or capable enough to fight Mahito, but that he shouldn’t HAVE to and he shouldn’t feel bad about that. He should enjoy the opportunity to be protected, safe, supported, and go be a KID while he still can. Adulthood in Nanami’s view is the accumulation of all the little despairs, that make you jaded, that rob you of wonder and innocence. He wants to prolong the time before Yuji must eventually grow up and face those despairs. He serves in this way as a foil to Mahito. If you remember, he calls him childlike as well, while Ijichi calls Nanami the “adult-of-adults”. And while Mahito seeks to corrupt Junpei by praying on his vulnerability, Nanami shields Yuji by taking the responsibility onto his own shoulders. I think you guys will see, as beige (literally…) as ex-salaryman Nanami can seem upon first impression compared to some of the flashy, overpowered characters we meet, his moral convictions are exactly why he actually stands out in this frankly depressing series full of frankly shitty people, and why he’s so many popular in the fandom. Anyway, thanks as always for your lovely, insightful reactions and looking forward to more!

silly goose

Jared: Mahito's feet! 🤨 Jordan: You like 'em? 🤔 Jared: They aint bad 🧐 Jared you have just been adopted by me and the rest of the Mahito simps. Welcome to this cursed family hahaha No but on a serious note it's so tragic that Junpei himself voiced outloud to Mahito what would eventually be his undoing. And you guys caught it too. Back when Junpei had a tiny transfigured human in his hand, he looked at and said "I'd hate you if you did this to my mom." Just like that, Mahito was made aware of the perfect opportunity to hit Junpei where it really hurts. The poor kid never stood a chance once in the hands of Mahito.

Lauren Crawford

Same fr fr. I suggested it for the Sunday slot after solo leveling lmao. I'm currently waiting for the manga to finish and season 2 to come out 🥲

Kiki Varas

Just to clarify something about Gojos potential “Weakness”, Having another person open there Domain Expansion on Gojo isnt necessarily a weakness for him. Even though it is true that it is a 100% hit on your target if you use your Domain Expansion. Something else that was mentioned in episode 7 was that, even though it is a 100% hit on your enemy, if your enemy has a stronger Domain then they can easily open up their own Domain and win the fight. Gojo is very powerful so his Domain is very strong, the only way someone can defeat Gojo using there Domain is if that enemy has a way more refined and stronger Domain then Gojo, which would be very very rare and would make it very hard to defeat Gojo using a Domain. Just wanted to make that clarification.


They really became friends🥲 And then were turned against eachother.. IN THE SAME EPISODE!! Crazy !!! and Nanami is 🔥


Mahito knew to target junpei's mom because in the previous episodes junpei told him that transfigured humans/corpses didn't really bother him but if it was his mother, he'd go berserk


Mahito is evil, but still has the weird innocence or ignorance of a child. He's learning about himself and the world. So he doesn't hurt people for malicious intent, it's almost clinical like "what happens if I do this?"


Glad to know you are enjoying the shows :) it always felt great reading your comments on AOT reactions


I don't think he killed Junpei out of curiosity though.. :(


Yes ;-; that was probably all premeditated to force yuji make a pact that gives dominance to sukuna