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Hey heroes!

I mentioned this last month, but it's time for me to take a break! I'll be on vacation for the next couple weeks, returning on the 19th. In the meantime, enjoy a bevy on content shared with the community by some of my mega-talented friends in the creator community. I'll share posting new content every day from one of them, so stay tuned!

As always, if you like the content you see from these creators, please consider signing up for their respective Patreon campaigns or Kickstarters! In this field especially, high tides raise all ships, and you're a deciding factor of that! Your support helps ensure that these folks can keep making great content for the world (and especially yourself) to enjoy.

That's it for me for now! I'll see you back here in a couple weeks! Until then...
Keep on adventuring!




Zak Papalia

You've earned it! My favorite 3rd party content lives here (by a longshot). Enjoy the vacation.