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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This locket is embossed with a dark silver skull on its front; its lower jaw acts as the locket's clasp. Inside the locket is a piece of blackened bone, which remains magically affixed to it. While the locket is on your person, you have resistance to necrotic damage, and you are always under the effects of the death ward spell. Once the spell prevents you from dropping to 0 hit points, it ends until the next dawn.

Speak with Dead. While holding the locket, you can spend 2 or more Hit Dice to cast the speak with dead spell from it. This version of the spell allows you to ask the target only one question for every 2 Hit Dice you spend, up to a total of 5 questions.

Curse. This locket is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the greater restoration spell or similar magic. While you remain cursed, you're unwilling to part with the locket and keep it on your person at all times. If you die while the locket is on your person, your spirit is permanently trapped within the locket, and you can't be revived by any magic other than a wish spell.

I could hear the voices of those who were gone, but could never tell if they were trying to help or lead me astray.



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