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Weapon (pike), rare (requires attunement)

This weapon is made of sanctified mourningsteel. Whenever you hit a target with this weapon, roll an additional damage die and ignore the lowest result. If the target is undead, the weapon deals radiant damage, instead of piercing damage, and uses the total of all rolled damage dice.

In addition, while holding the pike, you can use a bonus action to speak its command word to release an empowering wave of energy. Each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you (including yourself) immediately gains 1d10 + 10 temporary hit points. These hit points remain until the end of your next turn, during which time each affected creature has advantage on any attack roll or Wisdom saving throw it makes. If you have 17 or more levels in the paladin class, the radius of this wave increases to 30 feet. Once you use this property, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Do you hear it? The strength of those laid to rest? My kinsmens' ashes call out to honor and defend us, and roar with every strike to those that would sully their name.



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