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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Smile of Draconian Divinity  — This cloudy glass bite plate for a dragonborn transforms your maw into that of a fearsome dragon. Attuning to it allows you to take on different heavenly aspects, changing your appearance, breath weapon, and resistance to match. You can also summon the maws of a divine dragon and make a special attack with it.

2)  Tome of Gnomish Knowledge  — This encyclopedic tome for gnomes contains an arcane link to all other gnomish catalogs, detailed instruction manuals, and story books, giving you advantage on History checks, and allowing you to cast legend lore from it which might present the information in detailed gnomish notes and illustrations.

3)  Gorget of Resilient Heritage  — This scaled gorget for half-orcs with a multicolored quartz set in its center. While attuned to it, you gain temporary hit points at the start of your turn. You can also choose a biome to change the gem and your eye color, or deal extra elemental weapon damage that matches the selected terrain.

4)  Common Folks Tether  — This banner cloth from a noble house is enchanted to allow humans to invoke various racial traits from non-humans, such as granting darkvision, charm protections, moving unimpeded through other larger creatures, or unleashing a blazing breath attack.

5)  Circlet of Celestial Synthesis  — A polished gold halo for tieflings that hovers over your head and glows faintly, granting you the ability to speak, read, and write Celestial, as well as allow you to change your fire damage to radiant. You gain wings which grant you a fly speed, can use your reaction when hit with certain damage types, and cast both bane and bless at the same time.

6)  Clever Folk's Companion  — A sentient armor of complex gnomish design that grants proficiency with it as well as enhances your Intelligence and tool checks. You can also cast a variety of spells such as detect magic, disguise self and unseen servant.

7)  Mantle of Fiendish Resonance  — A hooded knee length leather cloak with fiendish runes and a cracked soul crystal as its clasp made for tieflings. Your darkvision is increased in distance, gain the ability to see through magical darkness, and can choose a layer of the hells to change the damage type your Legacy racial spells as well as your damage resistance.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



Very cool theme this week. A dragon NPC in my campaign can coincidentally do the summoning portion of the smile while in Change Shape. So if that wins I'm excited to see the description and art. :)

Samuel Beckett Flower Horne

If I'm being honest, I'm not a big fan of race specific items. They tend to lean towards old themes that paint entire races a single way. The gnomes are smarties, the orcs are brutal, etc. The items sound neat, but the race locks are unnecessary at best.


Nothing wrong with leaning into narrative archetypes IMO since doing so can help anchor the overall theming of the item, but you could just as easily remove the race prerequisite for any of these and not miss out on anything. DnD content is functionally modular for good reason.