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Weapon (quarterstaff), rare (requires attunement)

This wooden staff is carved from an ancestral branch in the likeness of a pair of stag horns. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has the finesse property. Once on each of your turns when you make an attack using this weapon, you can choose to move up to 10 feet, provided that your speed isn't 0. You can move in this way all at once or two 5-foot increments, either immediately before or after the attack. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Lock Horns. While holding the quarterstaff, any creature you physically shove also takes 1d6 piercing damage from the weapon. If another creature within your reach attempts to physically grapple or shove you and fails, that creature immediately takes 1d6 piercing damage from the quarterstaff and falls prone.

Grace of the hunted: form blessed in withdrawal—

A sudden strike.

Grace of the forest: form flexible and ancient—

Patient defense.

In your grace, I dance: forms united and apart—


—Translated excerpt of an ancient ranger's poem



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