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Wondrous item, uncommon

This bag clatters around when shaken. Around its base is a toothed, metal rim. Inside the bag is a special demiplane that holds a variety of miscellaneous trapping and adventuring equipment. You can use an action to reach into the bag and pull out up to four random items. Roll a d8 for each item you take from the bag and use the table below to determine what each one is.

Up to four items can be taken from the bag in this way, either all at once or with multiple uses. It regains all expended uses daily at dawn, at which time any item withdrawn from it magically vanishes and returns to the bag. Such an item vanishes early if you or another creature attempts to sell or trade the item. The bag can also be used as a normal backpack.

The orcish raider slammed his weight against the barred forge door, aged wood bowing then shattering inward. In his rage, he didn't catch the glint of bearings underfoot, his wild momentum sending him careening forward. In his panic, his arms thrust out to catch him, slamming both hands against the base plates of a pair of steel-fanged traps. And over his screams, he couldn't hear the whine of rope against pulley overhead as a craftsman's anvil crashed down from above.




The flavour text on this one is invoking :D Also this is a great item. It's like a bag of holding with a chance game. "Quick, we need to *solve current situation*." *pulls out random crap* "Okay, MacGyver, what ya got??"