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Wondrous item, common

This rolled up table cloth is secured by a wood-patterned ring. You can use an action to slide the cloth from the ring and flourish it—as if you're about to set a table with it. When you do, a wooden table magically appears on the ground beneath the cloth, provided that there's space for it. The table is 3 feet wide and 5 feet long; the cloth's ring is wrapped around one of its four legs, which can hold as much weight as a normal table's. The table is equipped with two attached benches, which can comfortably sit up to 4 Medium creatures.

The table remains until the cloth is removed from the table, which can be done using an action. As part of the action to remove the cloth and dismiss the table, you can roll it up and secure the cloth within the ring. If the table is destroyed, the cloth becomes a nonmagical table cloth.

The group rarely had the time to just enjoy a meal in the woods—most of their hours were dedicated to mercenary work and travel. So as they sat at a table the wizard had produced, they were relatively unmoved by the bear that came for their picnic basket. However, they were moved when that same bear dispelled the table—and their seats—by tugging on the table's gingham cloth.




“And if you call now, I’ll throw in a 4 set of gold plated immovable rods for free… you just pay teleporting and handling!”