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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a wizard)

This golden-paged tome has a diamond embedded in its cover, which emits a soft glow whenever the book is held. The following spells are written in the book using a strange form of Celestial that's only legible to the creature attuned to it: cure wounds, guiding bolt, healing word, and mass healing word. While attuned to the book, you know the sacred flame cantrip, and you can prepare the book's spells as if they were wizard spells whenever you finish a long rest. Whenever you expend a spell slot to cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot one level higher than the level at which you cast the spell.

In addition, your connection to the book gives you magical insight to theology. While the book is on your person, you have advantage on Intelligence (Religion) checks and on ability checks regarding celestials.

When you use your Arcane Recovery feature while the book is on your person, you also regain 1d4 hit points for each spell slot level you expended to cast a spell from the book since the last time you finished a long rest.

"Relic acquisition log, master Kaeril dictating.

"Item: a celestial tome. When found, I believed this could be the final stake through the lies of divinity. It can lend a wizard—we mages most estranged from the divine—powers only gifted to the blessed. Leveraging this power even imbues one with unusual vitality in proportion to its gifts.

"Yet even as I hold it up as an emblem of our cause, I fear it is instead a condemnation. We pierce the heavenly veil by raw, arcane will, but with only the finesse of children. What would take a simple man of faith little thought is, for us, a great strain. A great strain even then only made possible by the tome's guidance.

"This is no victory. It is a slight that it came to me, and one I can take little comfort in. I'll do what I can to unravel its secrets, but, for the first time, only the gods can help me now."



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