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Armor (padded), uncommon

This padded armor is adorned with spiked, leathery shoulder guards. At the center of each patch of armor is a darkened spot, which feels slightly firmer than the rest of the armor. While wearing this armor, you can use an action to magically inflate and transform into a padded, 10-foot-diameter sphere. You remain in this form for 10 minutes or until you end the effect (no action required). Your body and other equipment are engulfed by the sphere for the duration. You can’t see what occurs outside the sphere, and any Wisdom (Perception) checks you make to hear sounds outside it are made with disadvantage. You can speak, but your voice is muffled by the padded sphere. Your speed is reduced to 0, although another creature can carefully push the sphere to roll it; doing so requires the creature to spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves while rolling the sphere.

While inflated in this way, spikes extrude from the sphere. Any creature within 5 feet of the sphere that hits it with a melee attack or grapples it takes 1d6 piercing damage from the spikes. The sphere has 15 hit points, AC 10, resistance to all damage (except for piercing and slashing), and immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage. When the sphere is reduced to 0 hit points, it deflates, and you return to your normal form. Any damage dealt to the sphere is not carried over to you. This property of the armor can't be used again until the next dawn.

Any creature within 5 feet of you when you transform must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 piercing damage from the sudden spikes. Regardless, any creature within the sphere's new space is pushed into the nearest unoccupied one. If there isn't enough room for the transformation, the sphere attains the maximum possible size in the space available.

If you transform into the sphere while underwater, you immediately rise 60 feet toward the surface. While you remain transformed, you rise 60 feet toward the surface again at the start of each of your turns.

"Ugh, why do you wear that? It's objectively worse than normal leather armor, PLUS it smells like fish. Is it a gold thing? I'll gladly pay fo—"





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