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Weapon (greatsword), rare

This weighty blade has an iron candelabra as its hilt. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a target and roll two of the same number on the weapon's slashing damage dice, the target takes an extra 2d6 fire damage. If you've taken fire damage from a hostile source since the end of your last turn, the first target you hit with this weapon on your turn automatically takes this extra fire damage.

You can use an action to place up to two candles in the candelabra hilt, adding one to each of its twin candle holders. Candles placed and lit in the hilt can burn for up to 8 hours, instead of 1, and shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

I will carry forth my luminance, that shade will retreat before me. Fate and flame alike shall blaze our trail, that we shall be neither unseen nor unseeing, but a beacon to some and an omen to others. The flame that lights the way yet burns an unchecked hand.




Looks pretty good! I think one of my characters in my party will find this quite useful. Thanks!


Finally... He has come. The wildest librabarbarian, stalking the halls with his blade held in front of him. "Who made that noise..?" he croaks, for he is out for knowledge-... AND BLOOD TOO! OOOoOOoooOooOooo!