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Weapon (arrow), rare

When this magic arrow hits a creature, it immediately explodes into a plume of crow feathers and is destroyed, instead of dealing its normal damage. A flock of ten crows then appears at the target's location. Each crow makes one melee attack against the target, using a +7 attack bonus. On a hit, a crow deals 5 slashing damage as it rakes the target with its sharp talons and beak. The crows fly away and vanish after making the attacks.

Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist, such as murderous bolts meant for a crossbow, though arrows are most common.

"Did you hear about Sal? He got murdered on our last job."

"No! No I didn't! Stop saying it like that!"

"Well you're better now. You didn't get murdered to death. It was just the one swarm of crows that got to you."



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