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Scroll, uncommon

This scroll resembles a normal sheet of parchment, but magically prevents anything from being written or marked on it. Instead, while holding the scroll, you can speak aloud to record the words you speak onto the parchment, which appear as a neatly written script. Only one side of the parchment can be filled in this way: typically no more than 250 words or 1 minute's worth of speaking. When you're finished with the recording and release the parchment, it magically folds and seals itself into a self-containing envelope. Once a message has been recorded, it can't be replaced with a new one. You also decide what triggers the scroll to relay the recording, as well as what happens to it afterwards.

The trigger can be as general or as detailed as you like, though it must be based on tactile conditions that occur with relation to the scroll. For example, the trigger could be at the touch of an intended recipient, or if a secret pattern is drawn on it with a finger.

When that circumstance occurs, the envelope opens up and recites the message in your voice and at the same volume you spoke. To do so, it crumples and folds itself to form a makeshift face while it speaks. You choose whether the scroll is destroyed, becomes a nonmagical piece of parchment, or remains unchanged and magical after it delivers the message.

A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, opening the letter by force on a success. When this happens, the scroll's magic is lost, but the written recording remains.

"I've received many an angry letter in my time as a public official, but never before has one actually screamed at me. Despite the impassioned comments about a slanderous and untrue reputation of my mother, or describing unto which parts of my person I ought place this latest policy, the magic was nevertheless novel. I've since framed the letter."



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