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Wand, uncommon

The shaft of this wand is a clear glass tube filled with bubbling water. This wand has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the fog cloud spell from it, which has the following changes:

  • When cast, the wand emits a spray of superheated mist in a 30-foot cone from it. Creatures within the cone must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Being underwater doesn't grant resistance against this damage.
  • Choose a point within the cone of steam. The sphere of fog created by the spell forms immediately after the cone of steam is released from the wand, centered on that point.
  • The spell has a duration of 1 minute, instead of 1 hour.

If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand disappears in a plume of steam and is destroyed.

"Now that's what I call a sauna!"



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