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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Alcoholock  — A lock engraved with a small mouth that can be submerged in a nonmagical alcoholic drink, bonding it to that type of liquid. Thereafter, opening the lock the lock requires a flask or tankard of the bonded drink poured into the mouth of the lock.

2)  Wild Dice  — This set of two wooden dice are infused with wild magic. They have 6 charges that you can expend when you toss, creating various effects depending on the total of the dice, such as casting spells, turning into a gelatinous cube or giving you advantage on attacks.

3)  Pocket Barman  — A small figurine of a barman at a tavern bar, big enough to hold a single drink. You can name a drink and place payment on the bar to magically create the desired drink. The barman may have more fantastical options available. There is a chance potions can also be purchased in limited quantities, removing it from the barman's limited stock.

4)  88 Key Ring  — A carrying case filled with piano keys that make music when pressed. You can expend charges to produce several effects: to make a discordant noise, causing thunder damage in an area; to force creatures to move; or to inflict a penalty on initiative checks. You can also occasionally select a few creatures to have disadvantage against saves from these keys.

5)  Cad Cork  — A magical cork that can be used to seal bottles. A Strength check is required to remove the cork without using the command word, with DC depending on the rarity. A bottle is considered magical during this time and can't be destroyed as normal.

6)  The Death Dog's Heads  — This shield was originally the sign for a tavern with two taxidermied death dog heads on it. While holding the shield, you have advantage on Perception checks. You can expend a charge from the shield to animate one of the deth dog heads to attack an enemy. You can also hang the shield by a doorway and name of describe a creature; one of the heads will bark loudly and attack a described creature if it walks through the door.

7)  Heroes' Heart  — An ale served in a drinking horn. For a time after drinking it, you can unleash a battle cry as a bonus action. When you do, you can nearby creatures regain temporary hit points and can attempt a new save against an effect causing the frightened condition.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



These ideas are all fantastic, whatever you don't end up making, I'm going to try for my own games!

Christopher Lee

All are pretty cool this week. Couple of typos in Death Dog Heads... "animate one of the deth dog" and "name of describe a creature" (should be "or"?).