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The mountains were the home of the fireweavers: little more than a small community taking refuge in the middle of a now-ravaged path. When the queen passed through, wounded, none of the flame-touched healers dared to touch the frightening woman—knowing full well that any failure would lead to their death.

Amidst the queen's silent reception, the leader's only daughter broke through the crowd. She offered her life in exchange for the queen's forgiveness of her people.

The young fireweaver leaned toward the queen and knitted a healing flame, which stemmed the flow of the queen's sickly wound. Her royal, red skin pulled taut and braided itself together to form a tidy black scar. The infection that had set in was burned away, and what once was a festering wound was now an impressive symbol of her triumphant return.

Impressed, the queen took the woman with her and appointed her as her personal royal medic. With the daughter's bravery, her people were spared, and the Infernal Court grew by one.



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