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Dungeon Scribe is another incredibly skilled and creative item creator. Their items are written in such a way that it's extremely digestible with minimal reading, using a clever system of iconography and choice (colloquial) language. Hos, the creator, is also just a very good friend of mine, and a fervent supporter of all creators. Everyone should hope to have a friend like Dungeon Scribe!

Spell Slinger’s Mantle

This half-cloak resembles a shoulder cape in basic form, but it still maintains its unique stylings. The shoulders are clad in leather and decorated in a carefully spun steel and gold. Near the front of the cloak, where it falls over the user's heart, is a collection of gems. Several chunks of Lodestone are pointed towards a flat, smooth, clear crystal. Upon activation, this crystal fills with the swirling arcane energy of a captured spell.

Siphoner: As a Reaction when the user is targeted by a spell of 3rd Level or Lower, they can siphon the spell into the cloak, Storing it for later use and ignoring the spell's normal effects. If the spell requires a Saving Throw, the user must first Succeed on the save before using this property.

This effect fails if the spell targets any other creatures or objects besides the user or if the spell has an Area of Effect. The effect also fails if there is already a spell Stored in the cloak. 

This property can be used a number of times equal to Half of the User's Proficiency Bonus, and it regains all expended uses daily at Dawn. 

Spell Slinger: The user can convert a Siphoned spell into a Spell Slot of the same level. They can use this Spell Slot as normal to cast a spell they know or have prepared, or for any of their features that require a spell slot, such as Divine Smite. Once expended, the user can use the Siphoner property again, if able.



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