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Hey heroes! 

Thanks for participating yesterday! These were some really fun ideas! As ever, if your ideas didn't make it to this for whatever reason, or don't win the poll today, be sure to put them through the #hero-ideas-chat process on the Discord to have them immortalized there for nominations and future polls!

Thanks for the votes and comments yesterday! Let's make this last communal item together! 

These are loose item ideas based on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


The Final Roar — A scroll written in Draconic that retells the legacy of an ancient dragon. Finishing the scroll causes a spectral copy of that dragon to appear and release a bellowing roar. Creatures of your choice within range of the roar take damage and are spend their next turn incapacitated with fear.

The Hoarder's Tome — A magical book that can be used to store items. You can magically convert 3-dimensional items up to a certain size into illustrations on pieces of paper within the book. When you tear a piece of paper from the book, the item pops out and reappears in your hand or next to you.

Aspect of the Dracolord — A set of metal armor made for a dragon-riding knight and their mount. Using the armor's charges, you can manifest spectral wings, claws, or the visage of a mighty dragon to maneuver around the battle or frighten creatures nearby.

Crown of Azarotep — A helmet bearing and carved from the tall horn of an ancient blue dragon. While wearing it, you gain a bonus to AC and immunity to lightning damage. In addition, you can summon a whirlwind of sand and storm around you, creating bolts of lightning and shards of glass in the area.

The Guardian's Scale — A scale set in platinum from an ancient silver dragon. While attuned to the scale, you have immunity to cold damage and can speak Draconic. You can use the scale to take on the avatar of a dragon, granting you flight speed, temporary hit points, and a gusting wing attack.

Thanks for the suggestions, votes, and participation in these, again! And really, you should join in the Discord and continue making items and talking shop with me and the rest of the enthusiastic community!

Keep on adventuring! See you on Discord!


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