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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a creature missing a hand, arm, or leg)

When found, this item appears to be a roughly hewn length of ice with runes etched into its side. To attune to this item, you must attach it to the end of your missing arm or leg, at which point the ice magically attaches to you and forms an icy copy of the appendage it's replacing. The prosthetic is a fully capable part of your body and can't be removed against your will as long as you're attuned to it.

While the prosthetic is attached, you have resistance to cold damage, and your unarmed strikes with the limb deal cold damage instead of bludgeoning damage.

In addition, the prosthesis has 6 icy spikes protruding from its surface. You can use an action while the prosthetic is attached to launch up to 3 of the spikes at one or more targets within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack for each spike, using an attack bonus of +7. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 cold damage. 1d4 + 2 launched spikes regrow daily at dawn.

"...So that's when I gave 'em the ol' cold shoulder!"

"Ugh, Renwick, you've made that same joke at every tavern we've stopped at this month."

"Pfft, well, excuse me if it's still funny, Yara! I lost my arm to a bulette for you lot, the least you can do is let me have a joke now."

The party grew quiet and uncomfortable. He was right, of course, it was petty to complain about something like that, given how much he'd lost in that fight.

After a moment, Renwick sighed and put down his glass. He reached over with his icy prosthetic arm and, one by one, held the glasses of his party members. As he did, a nice layer of frost gathered on the outsides of the drinks, cooling them down significantly.

"Alright, how about that, then? Is that a party trick we can all get behind now?"

The group smiled as the tension broke. Yara lifted her mug up to Renwick, "Cheers to you friend, for your bravery, and for always staying cool under pressure."

Renwick's brow furrowed. "Okay, you know I hear it now. Yep, that can get tiresome. I'll stick to the glasses for now."



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