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Hey heroes! Thanks for the votes and comments yesterday! Let's make another item together!

These are loose item ideas based on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Cave-In Shelter — A dwarven shield that can be used to create a dome of protection around you, preventing unwanted creatures and objects from entering it for the duration.

Rod of Cavern Lighting — A rod that extends upward and emits bright light from the top, creating a street lamp-like object that sheds bright and dim light in an extremely large radius and can't be extinguished by nonmagical or magical means lower than 3rd levels.

Direstone Geode — A massive greatclub made from a stalagmite from the Direstone mines. The club ignores resistance to bludgeoning damage, and has a chance to grow in size and damage with each strike whenever you roll the highest number possible on its damage die.

Surface Seeker — A Small, magical minecart with a lamp on its front. When you fill it with valuables while in a cave, it makes a slow trek to the surface of the cave, showing you the safest route to travel.

The Digger Majigger — A pair of gnomish gauntlets that grant you a burrowing speed and deal extra damage when used for unarmed strikes. You can activate the gauntlets to cause them to vibrate, increasing their burrow speed and bonus damage for a limited time.

Pickaxe of the Fore-bearers — A golden pickaxe with a +X bonus to attack and damage rolls that once belonged to a dwarven king. You deal double damage to stone structures and creatures with it as well as cast several stone-related spells with it using some of its charges.

Honorary Beard — A handsome, braided beard made from real dwarven beard hair. While wearing it, you are considered to be a dwarf the purpose of fulfilling attunement requirements, as well as gain a limited use of a dwarf's Stonecunning feature, and bonuses to darkvision.

Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week!


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