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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1) Plaguefire Staff — A skeletal quarterstaff with sickly flames dancing around hits head. Targets hit by it take extra fire damage, and you can force a hit target to make a saving throw or become sick for the duration, retching and taking extra fire damage.

2) Flutterby Band — An emerald ring decorated with filigreed butterflies and flowers. While wearing it, you have advantage on Nature and Wisdom checks to identify plants and their various properties, and leave no footprints while in a forest. However, you're cursed, and have tastebuds on the soles of your feet.

3) Adventurer's Overcoat — A long, faded overcoat that grants you resistance to cold damage and immunity to the effects of extreme cold. You can use an action to grant nearby allies the same benefits for 1 hour once a day.

4) Ravenheart Token — A two-sided token featuring a flock of ravens on one side and a moon on the other. You can crush the token to duplicate the effect of the seeming spell, with changes that make affected creatures appear to be cultists, and grants them advantage on Stealth checks while in darkness.

5) One in the Quiver — A powerful, ballista-like arrow that deals a tremendous amount of damage on a hit. However, you automatically miss any ranged weapon attack you make that doesn't use the arrow. If you miss with the arrow, it teleports to a random location within 1 mile of you.

6) Heaven's Edge — (Originally the dagger of demon slaying) A legendary dagger covered in celestial runes that burns with a holy light. Fiends hit by it take radiant damage, and when you score a critical hit with it against a fiend, the target is banished as if affected by the banishment spell.

7) Trapped Wax — A peculiar wax seal that carries a spell inside. The spell is activated when the seal is broken, which can be a spell of 3rd level or lower.

8) Paranormal Trapper — A tiny magical cube that can be activated with a command word, covering an area around in strange light. An undead creature in the light is paralyzed when it enters the light if it fails the saving throw, or slowed if it succeeds.

9) Aegis of the Mender — An ivory kite shield with with celestial markings and a bonus to AC. While holding it, you can expend a Hit Die when you heal a creature with a spell or magic effect and add the die to the total hit points regained the targeted creature.

10) Koi's Retreat — An iron shield bearing the mark of two circling koi fish. When left to rest in water for 1 hour, the koi begin to glow and animate. A creature that touches the glowing fish gains a blessing that allows them to turn the next 1 they roll on a d20 into a 20 instead.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!


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