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Hey heroes! Let's make an item you'd find in an alchemist's lab!

These are loose item ideas using on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Lucky Leeches — A set of leech earrings that twitch slightly while worn. They absorb any poison you're afflicted by and grant you resistance to poison damage. When they remove a poison from you, they swell, and can emptied into an ounce of water to poison it.

Fibweed Poison — A common potion used by tricksters. A drink mixed with this harmless liquid smells and tastes like it's poisoned, but can be determined to be fibweed by certain skilled checks.

Noxious Concoction — A caustic acid that bubbles and releases a nauseating gas. You can hurl this glass bottle at a point to deal acid and poison damage to nearby creatures, as well as release the effects of the stinking cloud spell at its location.

Cane of Cubic Cultivation — A staff that uses charges to create 5' cubes of jelly that can stick together and provide areas of cover, allowing you to create sticky barricades, walls, or bridges across gaps that are also difficult terrain.

Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week!


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