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Storm's Eye Shield
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

Emblazoned on the face of this round shield is a cyclone design that magically swirls based on the likelihood and proximity of thunderstorms. While holding this shield, you have resistance to lightning damage. When you take lightning damage from a hostile source while holding this shield, you can use your reaction to cast the thunderwave spell (save DC 15) from it. This property can't be used again until the next dawn.

In addition, while the shield is flat on the ground, you can perform a 1 minute ritual to cast the augury spell from it. When you do, the omens are represented by how the cyclone's design changes:

  • Calm clouds, for good results
  • Roiling clouds, for bad results
  • A flash of lightning, for both good and bad results
  • Nothing, for results that aren't especially good or bad

Once this property of the shield has been used, it can't be used again until it's been in the presence of another thunderstorm for at least 1 hour.

As he stared into the shield's swirling patterns, one thing became obvious: whichever way he went, however he turned, there would be struggle. Battering forces, powerful resistance, and all-powerful destruction were sure to follow him.



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