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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a non-lawful dragonborn)

This helmet is made of harsh, angular shapes that come together into the shape of an aberrant dragon skull. Your scales twist into strange, fractal-like patterns tinged with otherworldly colors when you attune to this item. While wearing the helmet, you have resistance to psychic damage, and creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks against you. In addition, your breath weapon changes to be a plume of unearthly psionic energy, dealing psychic damage instead of its normal damage type. A creature in the area must make a Wisdom saving throw, instead of your breath weapon's normal save. On a failed save, a creature is also affected as by the bane spell for 1 minute as maddening whispers fill its mind. The creature can make a Wisdom saving throw against your breath weapon DC at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Curse. This helmet is cursed with gnawing insecurity and self-doubt. Attuning to the helmet curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. While cursed, you are unwilling to remove the helm, and you gain the following flaw: "Whatever course of action I take, there is a voice in my head that screams at me to do the opposite. The voice is never silent."

The people judged me by the color of my scales, damning me long before I had a chance to defend myself. I did everything right to prove them wrong. Scarlet flames crackled in the edges of my vision, begging to burn them for their hatred and vitriol. I had been called monstrous long before I found the helm: this wasn't new. Something scratched at the back of my eyes, demanding I make them pay for what they had done to me. The red flame grew bolder.

It would be wise to flee, leave them behind to find a new place in the world.

It would be weak.

I know I have not become a monster.

I know I have always been one.



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