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Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement by a cleric)

This magic mace is carried by priests and is a symbol of their devotion to ridding the world of evil. While holding it, you can use a bonus action to adjust its telescoping haft, changing it from a mace to a quarterstaff, and vice versa. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The weapon has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast either cure wounds (3rd-level version) or dispel magic from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier.

Alternatively, you can use an action to speak the weapon's command word to cast the heal spell from it. When you do, the weapon releases a flash of light and is destroyed.

Living life the way of cloth is not easy. Sacrifice is necessary by all, even our weapons.



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