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The king's love was endless and often to his own detriment. While he cared, his people thrived. That is, until he met the Queen.

Their spark was one for the ages. His calm and serene grace was a benevolent counterpoint to Her aggressive tendencies. Under their combined rule, the kingdoms rejoiced, and their reign spread. They were a bastion of compromise and balance, and there was seemingly nothing they could not handle together.

To celebrate their love, the King commissioned two royal blades from a curious smith: a deft and clever rapier to match his wit, and a powerful, steadfast glaive to harness her powerful reach.

The smith was none other than a vengeful genie, whose lands had been occupied and family slain by the Queen's imperialist militias. He crafted two stunning blades to match the King's request, but traced into them a powerful, digging magic that would ultimately be their undoing.

The blades never left the pair's side. What's more, their personalities grew more intensely divided. What was once a relation of compromise was now a battle for authority.

Less than a year went by before the Kingdom was split. Civil war between those that believed that the Queen's strong hand meant safety, and the other that believed the King's empathy led to a sustainable future.

Some histories claim the Queen's anger overran the King. Others say the King's kindness outlasted the Queen's fiery temper. One thing is for certain: in the end, the only winner was the genie.



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