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Armor (plate), rare (requires attunement by a Small humanoid)

This heavy set of plate mail is 5½ feet tall, weighs 100 pounds, and is reconfigured from the pieces of an iron golem. Despite the armor's larger size, a series of clever harnesses inside its chest piece comfortably support you inside it. While wearing this armor, your Strength score is 19, unless it's already higher, and you are considered to be a Medium creature. Magic currents run through the inside of the armor and connect to you, allowing you to control the metal limbs as if they were your own. This magical connection causes you to still take any damage you receive while wearing the armor.

While wearing this armor, you can use a bonus action to speak its command word to force the armor to move more rapidly. When it does, you gain the effect of the haste spell (no concentration required), and the armor's joints creak and groan from the increased strain. At the end of each of your turns while you're under this effect, there is a cumulative 20 percent chance that the armor overheats. When it does, you take 1d10 fire damage from the armor, and the effect ends. Once this property of the armor has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Karig's clever devices could only get him so far. He needed more raw strength to support his loftier ambitions. The gnome had been ridiculed for far too long by his larger inventor peers, but now he had the brawn to match his brain. With this, he would be impossible to ignore any longer.



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