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Rod, rare (requires attunement by a cleric, druid, paladin, or warlock)

This gnarled wooden scepter from the Bloodmire is set with a strange, cracked opal at its head and can be used as a spellcasting focus. The rod has 6 charges and regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily at dusk.

While holding the rod, you can expend 1 of its charges as an action to create a magical tether of light between the rod and another creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The tether's color and effects depend on what kind of tether you create. You can only have one of each tether at a time.

Empowering Tether. This tether is a brilliant white. A creature affected by this tether regains 2d10 hit points when it's first affected by it, and while it's connected to the tether, it deals an extra 1d10 damage of the weapon's type to the first target it hits with a melee weapon attack on each of its turns. In addition, on each of your following turns while you maintain the tether, you can expend 1 of the rod's charges as a bonus action to send a surge of healing magic through the tether and cause the target to regain 2d10 hit points.

Withering Tether. This tether is a sickly red. A creature affected by this tether must make a Constitution saving throw when it's first affected by it, using your spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d10 necrotic damage, and on each of your following turns while you maintain the tether, you can use a bonus action to deal 1d10 necrotic damage to the target automatically. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much necrotic damage, and the tether immediately ends.

The tether and its effect ends after 1 minute. It ends early if you sever the tether (no action required), are no longer holding the rod, the target ends its turn more than 30 feet away from you, the target has total cover from you, or if you or the target fall unconscious.

In the Bloodmire, everything is connected by blood. Creatures, plants, pathways, villages are bound by it. Blood is the source of what life exists there, and while it is life-giving, it is forever eager to return to the swamp. The doctors in the bog are the ritual keepers of the blood's cycle. When one thing dies, it gives way to something new. It is a terrible honor to wield the wooden scepter, and for however cruel it can be, it is glorious all the same.



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