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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

Over the next few weeks, there may be some changes to the format this takes on as new best practices are discovered.

Here are the 7 randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1) Dagger Ice Greatshard — A cold metal greatsword covered in a layer of ice from the Everglacier that releases a powerful blizzard from its blade whenever you score a critical hit with it. Once the blade's created 3 storms, its icy blade thaws for several days before its ice reforms.

2) Venom-Touch Ring — A jade ring that lets you store a poison you're afflicted by for later use, allowing you to poison a creature you touch with it.

3) Red Queen's Burden — A bloodthirsty queen's hateful glaive that can inspire and command your allies and enemies to change the flow of battle. Use charges to give allies extra uses for their reactions or instill fear in your enemies. Take a defensive stance to gain various bonuses against creatures that would ignore or flee from you.

4) Worldbreaker — A titanic hammer that can crush any obstacle, whether it be creature or object. It can be used to tunnel through earth. It can be used to cast the earthquake spell, although it runs the risk of causing its powerful tremors to rebound.

5) Amber-Eye Totem — A straw and festerwood amber effigy that can be used as a caustic druidic focus. Damage-dealing spells you cast can deal acid damage, instead of their normal damage types, and your wildshapes' natural weapons deal extra acid damage with each hit.

6) Coldfire Anvil — A smith's anvil that can be used to imbue a weapon with magic from the Everglacier, causing it to deal extra cold damage with each hit. However, this magic makes the weapon more fragile, like ice, and causes it to potentially shatter when rolling a 1 on an attack.

7) Mimic Wax — A curious wax that can be applied to your face to apply some of the effects of the alter self spell, making you look like the person who wore it last.

Be sure to cast your votes and let your voices be heard! This poll ends Monday morning! Until then, keep on adventuring!



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