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Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement)

This carefully carved bone scimitar belonged to a cult of vicious monks whose extraordinary bloodlust and strength have been all but entirely erased from history. While you hold this magic sword, you have resistance to necrotic damage.

When you take the Attack action while holding this sword, you can choose to forgo one of your attacks to sacrifice your own blood. When you do, you take 1d6 + 3 piercing damage from the sacrifice. This damage ignores resistance and immunity. This self-inflicted harm empowers the sword, granting you a cumulative +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon that lasts for 1 minute, up to a maximum bonus of +3. While the sword is empowered in this way, it deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to any target it hits.

"The skeletal remains were cradling a similar skeletal sword. Its edges, abrasive and stained from long-dried blood, seemed to match some of the markings left on the figure holding it. Beneath the blade was a badly faded manuscript. It was seemingly hand written, and repeated like a mantra:

Embrace Self-Sacrifice. To forget the familiar as a price for greatness is admirable.

Conquer your Limits. To become more powerful is to embrace the purpose of life.

Enforce your Will. To conquer all obstacles in your path is to ensure success.

The lines kept repeating, even off the bottom of the page. Whoever, or whatever, this was, they had had a serious conviction."

-From the diary of Garold, the soldier.



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