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Hey heroes!

For some of you, this may be business as usual. For many others, though, welcome to the weekly community voting session! Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted for item ideas then get made over the course of the week following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

Over the next few weeks, there may be some changes to the format this takes on as new best practices are discovered.

This week had a theme to it: anti-magic and blood magic! Given that theme, these are the nominated suggested item ideas:


Bloody Spellbreaker — A bow that can be used to counter and subvert enemy spellcasters, using your own life force to nullify spells as they're cast.

Bomb of the Spell Drinker — A noxious explosive that causes affected creatures caught in its gas to take poison damage and have disadvantage on spell attack rolls for the next minute.

Magebane Blood Poison — A metallic poison from rakshasa blood that causes a spellcaster affected by it to be unable to cast spells or benefit from any spells cast on them at 4th level or below for 1 minute.

Frayed Edge — A battleaxe that can temporarily sever a mage's connection to the arcane once a day, causing them to forget the last spell they cast for the next 12 hours.

Dream Sapper — A pair of leather gloves that can steal a spell from a sleeping spellcasting creature, allowing the wearer to cast the spell as if it were their own, and preventing the affected creature from casting it themselves for 24 hours.

Bloodthirster — A masterfully carved scimitar made of bone that becomes more powerful when you willingly sacrifice your own blood using it, causing other targets to wither when struck.

Splinterspell Axe — A merciless greataxe that has spell-absorbing shrapnel fused to it. Spellcasters hit by the axe run the risk of being stuck by the shrapnel, causing them to be unable to cast spells depending on the number of splinters they're affected by.

Be sure to cast your votes and let your voices be heard! This poll ends Monday morning!


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