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Let's make something from a dragon turtle! Thank you so much for all the suggestions this week! This is actually the second dragon turtle item I've made for the workshop, so it's cool to see them still be so popular. I'll probably revisit the idea of death dog(e) and drider items soon though, as they're really cool thematically without too much presence.

Please vote for one or more item ideas below. The winning item will have its exact mechanics will be decided during the writeup phase and go through the usual channels to make sure it's properly worded and balanced. I cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

No stream tonight! I've been working really hard on the book, other Kickstarter rewards, and prepping the pledge manager so everything goes smoothly for you when it launches, and I want to make sure that I don't over-exert myself by talking/performing on stream for several hours tonight. Thank you for understanding: I'll miss you!


  • Steam Rebreather —  This metal rod has a number of vents, along with a forged dragon turtle beak designed to fit over the lower face. When you hold the rod between your teeth, you gain a swimming speed of 60ft, can breath and speak underwater, and can speak, read, and write draconic and aquan. 
  • Draco Barding —  Can be equipped on any mountable beast. The mount grows a thick armored shell, granting it a +2 AC in addition to the armor bonus of the barding. The mount also gains the amphibious trait and a swim speed equal to its walking speed.  
  • Spiked Shell Bracers — Bracers that magically build up steam inside when used with unarmed strikes. You gain a +1 bonus to unarmed attack and damage rolls made with your fists while wearing these bracers.  When you hit a creature three times on your turn with unarmed strikes with your fists, you can use your reaction to immediately cause the bracers to vent the steam in an X-foot cone, dealing Y fire damage to any creature in the area that fails a Z saving throw. 

Rods always need more attention, there are virtually (actually?) no barding options, but I know how much people love having new ways to punch stuff. As always, speak up and cast your votes!

If you're on the Discord, keep your eye out for tonight: I may be streaming a favorite (anime) movie or something in the Friday Night Movies room while I work on this.


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