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Half-elf acolyte, sailor, cleric: lawful good.

Personality Traits. Quynn is strong-willed, steel-hearted, and sharp-tongued. She travels far and often, and is more than capable of defending herself.

Ideals.  I go where the winds take me.

Fears. Wasting away in any one place. Marriage.

Quirks. Whenever she’s asked about her missing eye, she tells a different story.

Secret. Quynn actually lost her eye protecting her family from a minotaur skeleton at the age of nine. Though she was weak and helpless, her selfless acts of heroism caught the attention of her deity and granted her the power needed to protect her family and turn the undead. Her path of righteousness has been clear ever since.

d6 Magic item

1 Vox Helm 

2 Sirensong Silencer 

3 Devil’s Detail Eyepatch 

4 Stormstruck Staff 

5 Thunderous Flail 

6 Septum Ring of the Great Minotaur 



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