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Thanks for hanging out, folks! Picarto was so buggy tonight! What a drag!

You'll be seeing this item on Wednesday on the Subreddit, or next Tuesday everywhere else!

Hey everyone! Happy Valentine's Day Week!

The Elite and Ascended Heroes ($7+) have voted to make this special love-themed suit of armor (breastplate) for this week's Elite Workshop, our exclusive weekly Monday night stream and item creation session.

Come hang out tonight in this special free-for-all stream and see how items get made, talk to the larger community, and hang out with me live! Join in using this link!


I stream over Picarto, and you need an account to participate in chat. If you don't want to give your email out to yet another website, use tenminutemail to get a temporary email address to make an account!

See you there!


Hey heroes!

Let's make something spiritual! Thanks for all the suggestions in the comments yesterday! I combined a couple ideas from the comments yesterday that were along the same lines into items that I felt were a little simpler to use and enjoy. Remember that these are initial balances and writeups that are subject to change.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EST tonight with the Picarto link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change! Picarto has, so far, been a more reliable host for streaming. Come hang out!

This will be a special free stream tonight! Bring your friends!


  • Warm and Tender — A +1 mace that protects you with the love of your friends and family. You can withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit. It has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn. You can expend 1 of its charges when you're hit by an attack from a creature you can see as a reaction to cast either the shield spell or reduce the damage you take by 1d10. If you reduce damage taken in this way, you deal an extra 1d10 fire damage the next time you hit a target with the mace.
  • Scorned Heart — A breastplate with a central fissure down its center that gives you a bonus to AC based on how many allies are nearby. You can also cast the hellish rebuke spell once a day from it as a reaction.

    Curse. You have disadvantage on saving throws to resist enchantment spells and on Charisma checks to interact with creatures whom you find attractive.
  • Valente's Voucher — A pale pink ticket that looks to be plucked from a lager roll. You can speak the command word to cast magnificent mansion with the following changes: the spell's duration is 1 hour, the only room in the mansion is a massage parlor, and the servants are all highly trained massage therapists. Any creature who spends the entire hour in the mansion receiving a massage and being otherwise pampered also receives the full benefits of a long rest. Once this item has been used, it becomes a non-magical keepsake. 

See you tonight!


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