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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a paladin)

These silver gauntlets are inscribed with powerful sigils that absorbs malady and infection. When you magically cure a creature of blindness, deafness, disease, or poison while wearing these gauntlets, you can choose to have the sigils on the gauntlets contain the condition instead of destroying it outright. While the gauntlets contain a condition in this way, you can use a bonus action to touch a creature and force it to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target suffers the effects of the stored condition until the end of your next turn. Whether the creature succeeds or fails the saving throw, the stored condition is then lost from the gauntlets.

The gauntlets can only hold one condition at a time. Any contained condition is lost if you contain another one in order to make room for the new condition.

The Plaguebearer stood over the adventurers. His laughter echoed through the cavernous sewers as they lay there, drained by the virulent poisons coursing through their blood.

In a sudden burst of determination, the armored woman—herself near the gates of death—reached down and suffused her companion with a holy glow. As color returned to her companion's face, she leapt towards the fiend: her palm now shining with that same divine light.

In an instant, the Plaguebearer felt his own disease—its virulent strain unique to the alchemical horrors of his workshop—begin to stream through his body.

His eyes flicked open and shut, focusing on the sensation, before eventually collapsing. With a final breath, as darkness overtook him, he let loose a quiet whisper.




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