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Vestra Aramnier
Drow dancer, assassin, escort, bard or rogue: chaotic evil.

Personality Traits. Vestra is happy to use her sexuality to get what she wants and has no problem exploiting an honest person’s weaknesses. She says, in polite conversation, that everyone is equally deserving of power, but quietly believes that only the people willing to be cruel can claim it. Her silver tongue will beguile many, but rest assured that Vestra is willing to do many cruel things for power.

Ideals. I will take what can be taken and move on.

Fears. I can’t get attached. Not again.

Quirks. Keeps a well-groomed pet rat named “Kiir”.

Secret. Vestra’s dreams are in a strange language she can’t understand. 

d6     Magic item

1        Steps of the Trickster 

2        Shadowshawl 

3        Fire Dervish Cloak 

4        Band of Mirrored Essence 

5        Blood Pact Pendant 

6        Shadow Drinker 




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