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Armor (chain shirt and half plate), legendary (requires attunement)

This magic set of iron armor is forged from metals that fell from the sky. The armor has two parts that can be worn together simultaneously: a chain shirt and a set of half plate armor. You have a +2 bonus to AC and resistance to lightning damage while wearing this armor. While wearing the chain shirt, you can speak the armor's command word as an action to don or doff the starmetal nova armor's half plate, causing it to either magically assemble itself around you or release and fall to the ground at your feet. You must be within 30 feet of the half plate in order to don the armor in this way. In addition, you always know which way is north while attuned to the armor.

Polarity Repulsion. While wearing either part of this armor, when a creature that you can see that's holding or wearing a metal object (such as a metal weapon or suit of heavy or medium metal armor) moves within 10 feet of you for the first time on its turn, you can use your reaction to change the polarity of your armor's metal and repel yourself up to 10 feet away from that creature, without provoking opportunity attacks.

Supernova Burst. While wearing both the chain shirt and half plate parts of the armor, you can use an action to speak the armor's other command word to doff the half plate and cause it to explode from you, releasing a 30-foot-radius burst of bright light. When you do, you end any grapple condition on yourself and force all creatures other than you within the bright light that are not behind total cover to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d8 radiant damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. The half plate falls to the ground at your feet when doffed in this way.

There were dozens of the creatures: too many for one man to take down. They piled on top of the plated half-orc, trying to overwhelm him with sheer numbers instead of strength or cunning. Slowly, the man succumbed to the weight of them and sank beneath the horde of small monsters.

A moment of quiet. The snickers of the creatures mixed with their gnashing teeth rolled out over the now still room.

Suddenly, a burst of light flooded the chamber, knocking away and freeing the man trapped beneath the horde. Battered, bloody, and angry, the man stood proudly in chain mail amidst the sprawling monsters and pieces of now scattered plate armor. With a final battle cry, he picked up his fallen blade and charged the remaining monsters: their eyes wide with terror.



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