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I'm live! Come hang out while we make this bow!


If the stream asks you for a key, it's "a2df49c0b57bea41425072d055023685"

See you there!

Hey heroes!

Let's make something Eldritch! These are just ideas, and their finer mechanics can be revised during the livestream and during the balancing process.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EST tonight with the exclusive Picarto link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change! Picarto has, so far, been a more reliable host for streaming. You don't even need an account to participate in chat!  Come hang out!


  • Mindbreaker Talisman — A talisman that grants you resistance to psychic damage and forces other creatures to succeed on a Intelligence saving throw when trying to read your mind or communicate with you telepathically without your permission or take psychic damage.
    Curse. You can't unattune from the talisman, and whenever you're separated from it, it magically reappears back around your neck. While attuned to the talisman, your dreams are restless. You need to succeed on a DC 5 Intelligence saving throw when you finish a long rest or else you regain 1d6 fewer Hit Dice from that rest.
  • Bow of the Eldritch Archer — Arrows fired from this shortbow are converted to pure energy: destroying the arrows in the process. These arrows deal 1d12 force damage instead of their normal damage and can pierce through one target to hit a second target 5 feet behind it. When an arrow fired from the pierces a target in this way, make a second attack roll as part of the original attack, with disadvantage, to hit the second target.
  • Helm of the Old One's Vassal — This inky helmet is clouded with dark clouds that swirl around it. While wearing this helmet, you don't need to sleep, and you are immune to being charmed or magically put to sleep.
    Curse. You can't willingily remove the helmet. While wearing it, in moments of intense emotion, roll a d20. On a 10 or lower, your thoughts are projected to all creatures within 30 feet of you.

Let's make an item! See you tonight!


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