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Personality Traits.  Jiorva was raised by fishermen after his parents died due to alcoholism. His natural confidence and suave personality has helped him start and grow an overseas trading company. He captains his ship, The Happy Buck, and plays music for his crew. He is focused, daring, and very kind. 

Ideals. True success defines a life well spent. Ill-gotten rewards are worse than honest failure.

Fears. I can’t let the company fail. Competitors will stop at nothing to destroy me.

Quirks. His eye makeup changes daily and he smells of citrus and cedar. Doesn’t drink. Loves fruit.

Secret. Superstitious and deathly afraid of ghosts.

d6 |   Magic Item

1    |    Ring of Roses 

2    |    Seafarer's Jacket 

3    |    Tether Tearer 

4    |    Retaliating Shield of Ink 

5    |    Set of Numat's Trick Tubes 

6    |   Purse Piglet 



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