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Ring, common

This magic wooden ring is always covered in splotches of charcoal, ink, or paint, regardless of how well or often it's cleaned. While wearing the ring on a finger, you can touch that finger to a solid surface and begin to draw. The drawing uses your finger to make marks as if it were a piece of charcoal, ink quill, or paintbrush (your choice). The marks you make can be in any color. Any drawing made by the ring can be easily smudged away without leaving any marks behind. The ring can have up to 5 square feet covered with drawings in this way at any time. Drawing more than that begins to erase the previous marks, and any mark left after 24 hours of being made is magically erased.

"Has everyone enchanted their Doodle Rings? Yes? Good. You will need them for our practice transcribing spells today."

The wizened professor walked around the class, observing his students jotting down arcane symbols, complex sequences, and intricate diagrams.

The professor tutted as he smudged away an inappropriate image off on student's page.

"Your parents aren't paying for you to slack off, Mr. Juronth."

Of course, one student always insists on writing in brilliant pink



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