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Heroes! Thank you for your stalwart support.

Attached is a spreadsheet of all Saddlebag items to date: sorted and organized in tables by name, rarity, type, date, you-name-it. Also included here are Major and Minor rarities, allowing you to better gauge how to add these to your existing games!

Similar to The Ledger or The Ledger+, this list features links to the items' art and cards for easy referral. This post will be updated every month to add new items to the list and update older ones as necessary.

Thank you for your support as always, heroes! I hope you enjoy The Looter's Table!

Until next time, keep on adventuring!

Special thanks to Gaming Mistress on Discord for helping put this together!




I am not the goods educated on technological speak... what is ods and xlsx??


Hey Dusty! These are spreadsheet file types! If you have Excel or like to use Google Sheets, you can use these files to load up a spreadsheet with data on all items and their various links!


Does the Looter's Table include the Patreon exclusive items?