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Wondrous item, common

This ivory circlet allows you to recreate some of the natural features of other creatures. While wearing the circlet, you can spend 1 minute to gently massage your ears, forehead, or temples. When you do, you can choose to create one of the following features or effects:

• You can cover or replace your own ears with the form of another creature's.

• You can summon one or more horns or antlers atop your head.

• You can change the appearance of your eyes, including their color and pupil shape.

You can only have 1 of these effects active at a time. The effects lasts until you dismiss it as a bonus action, remove the circlet, or fall unconscious. You don't gain any of the senses or abilities of another creature by recreating its physical features in this way.

His face looked human. His ears looked gnomish.

"What even are you?" asked the barkeep.

He put down his drink, now finished. "Eclectic, to say the least. Another round of the Owlbear Blood Mead, if you so please."



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