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Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement by a druid)

This reinforced wooden shield is covered with ironleaf vines that grant you extra protection. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while wielding this shield in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. In addition, the wooden shield reforms itself to fit you whenever you use your wild shape class feature to transform into a beast. When you do, the ironleaf vines and wooden shield latch onto your bestial form, granting you a +1 bonus to your AC while transformed in this way.

The elf was quick to react. With a whirling sweep of her left arm, she blocked a surprise volley of darts and arrows fired at her.

"Poachers," she snarled. She could see their crouched forms now, fumbling with crossbows and quivers to reload.

She ran at them before they could take another shot. "Vile creatures! Let me show you a real predator!"

Her fair, golden skin turned dark and leathery. The slim figure began to contort, growing fur and muscles and fangs. Her wooden shield reformed itself to protect the now beastly form, becoming a wooden breastplate supported by verdant vines. With a final growl, her sprint turned into a rapid, lumbering gait as she began to run on all four legs.

The battle was over before it began. The forest does not take kindly to those that would defy the natural order of its cycle.



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