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Wondrous item, rare

This single lens has three filters that you can peer through. You can change the monocle's filter by rotating the lens' outer ring. A small arrow along the edge of the frame indicates the monocle's selected filter. The monocle has 4 charges and regains 1d3+1 each day at dawn. As an action, you can expend a charge to look through and activate one of the filters to gain one of several benefits:

Filter of Comprehend Languages. When you peer through this filter, you can read and comprehend any written language as per the written language portion of the comprehend languages spell.
Filter of Darkvision. While looking through this filter, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Filter of See Invisibility. When gazing through this filter, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.

You gain the benefits of the activated filter while you wear the monocle for 1 hour or until you change the filter.

The little gnome squinted his eyes up at the elf. His mouth pursed in an expression neither quizzical nor worried.

He reached up to the lens that sat in front of his left eye and clicked a mechanism a few times. His eyes lit up in surprise, followed by a deep laugh from the gut. "Ae'lar. Where did you say you got that tattoo again?"

The elf looked down at her compatriot, "In the great dwarven city of Ilridun. It's a symbol of the ancestral might that all dwarves share, and says 'Fearless Empress of the Depths' in dwarvish. They wanted me to have it for my heroism in the mines below the city."

The gnome's laughter turned to wheezing. He sat down to catch his breath and compose himself before looking back up.

"Ae'lar, I hate to tell you this, but that says 'Feckless Empress of the Dafts'."



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