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Wondrous item, common

While standing on a solid surface, you can begin to sit down in an open space as if there were a chair beneath you. When you would normally crouch or fall to the ground when doing this, you can mentally command the belt to summon an invisible, incorporeal chair as a bonus action instead. The chair can be of any style you choose, such as a stool, recliner, throne, or rocking chair, and can support up to 500 pounds. While it is comfortable, it is nevertheless invisible, and cannot be interacted with beyond simply sitting in. The chair disappears if it is no longer on a solid surface, you stand up, or if you're pushed or moved while sitting on it.

"You don't mind if I sit, do you?"

"There's nowhere for you t—"

"That won't be a problem."



Matt Dyson

Legitimately Awesome. Want this one in real life.