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Weapon (lance), uncommon

This mechanical lance has bladed edges on either side of the weapon's base and has the heavy property. You can use a bonus action on your turn to extend or retract the weapon by twisting the metallic band around the handle. While extended, the weapon behaves as a normal lance. While retracted, the end of the lance nests inside the wider, bladed base of the weapon and can be used as a makeshift greatsword instead. The damage die for the retracted lance is still a d12, but deals slashing damage instead of piercing.

You can choose to release the spring-loaded mechanism and extend the retracted lance using a bonus action following an attack. If the target is a creature no more than one size larger than you, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be forced backward up to 5 feet. If you extend the lance immediately after successfully hitting the creature, the creature makes the saving throw with disadvantage.

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